Saturday, August 30, 2008

I think skipping could be the answer to many of our adult health problems. ~Jeanne, as posted on

When I was a little girl I didn't often walk to places. I either ran or skipped. I loved skipping. I'd skip to the store to buy a gallon of milk. I'd skip to school. I'd walk my friend Jodene halfway home after school and we'd skip along together singing "Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Bear". Have you ever tried to do that, skip with a friend with your arms around each others' shoulders and singing at the same time? It takes a certain kind of talent. I loved skipping rope at recess. I was a very happy and carefree little girl and skipping seemed to be the way I was able to release all the joy I had in living bottled up inside of me.

I was just outside taking Chloe dog for a walk and as I passed a duplex at the end of our street I'm not sure who the man was talking to the young neighbor lady who lives there but he was instructing her on taking anti-anxiety medication, that a lot of the anxiety she's feeling recently may be from a change in dosage. As I heard that I got to thinking about this society, this world, we live in. How fleeting the years of carefree youth are. How maybe getting out and skipping might do us all a huge amount of good. Of psychic healing. Of lowering our anxiety levels. Bringing down our blood pressure. I mean, really. Don't you remember how good it felt to skip?

I plan on teaching my little grandsons how to skip. I plan to skip right along with them. Can you imagine how much joy that will cause them, to have their crazy ol' Grandma skip right along with them? I'm the silliest Grandma who ever lived. I know I am. But I remember the pure and simple freedom of childhood. That has never left me. Neither has the ability to skip.


Dori said...

I was just teaching my son to skip this morning! HIS grandma gave herself a black eye a few years ago while playing on the pogo stick with her older grandchildren!

Melissa B. said...

I'm still pretty skippy when the occasion calls for it. I'm a high school teacher, and sometimes ya just gotta skip! BTW, come join us for some insane fun tomorrow, with my Silly Sunday Sweepstakes!

scargosun said...

I always like galloping too. I may have to skip once a day to see if it helps.

Anonymous said...

I loved swingin & skipping as a child. It must be good for brain development. I guess I've dropped skipping but I still enjoy swinging so when hubby built a swing set for the children years ago, I asked him to make it so I could use it too. I still do and swing grandkids on it too.

Anonymous said...

When I skipped for my granddaughter she laughed at me and told me to stop. I'm not so sure you are the craziest grandma, I'm right up there too! Maybe we're twins who got separated at birth! I know we're not but it's fun to think it! :)