Friday, October 30, 2009

Selective hearing...or so I'm told...

Photo by Mark Kozlowski

I can no longer hear Dear Hubby when he talks. Not very often, anyway. On the first try. It doesn't help that he talks to me from 3 rooms away or when he's bent over facing away from me tying his shoes. Or is outside shooting his bow and I'm in the kitchen with the windows's not summer time any more, don'tcha know. It's frustrating us both to no end. Is it selective hearing on my part? I don't think so. I've been straining to hear him talking from the aforementioned places for 35 years now and have been able to hear him ok for the most part. But now I constantly seem to be asking him, "WHAT?!" or telling him, "I can't hear you!" It's driving him to the point of distraction. I don't seem to have trouble hearing anyone else. Well, outside of our son who mumbles on the phone. He gets driven to the point of distraction, too, by me interrupting him from the get-go telling him to "Speak up!" That may just be our telephone, tho...Dear Hubby and our Daughter can't hear him either.

What's that you say? Maybe I'd better brush up on the few Baby Signs I know already. I might need them sooner than I think.


Donna said...

Hello from Texas! It's so Beautiful in here...and I'm with you on the "not hearing" thing!hahaa...

Wander to the Wayside said...

I have the same problem - can hear, but seem to be really straining. The tv volume seems to be eight bars instead of four. And the grandsons are starting to get irritated with me when I say "please look this direction when you're talking to me", or "please don't look at the ground", etc. I think it's because we're getting old. And when in a group or where there are background noises, I am driven batty by not being able to hear what someone is saying to me.