Wednesday, June 13, 2012

At times, challenges hit with the force of a roaring, rushing waterfall. The true test, however, is whether you can put your arms up and enjoy the feel of the water. ~ Aviva Kaufman

I love my grandson Dylan.  I love both of my grandsons, but this post is about Dylan and what an amazing little boy he is.  I am going to share with you here the post my daughter-in-law put on Facebook this morning:

"I am beyond proud of my son right now. As many of you know, Dylan was a late talker (he didn't start talking until he was about 3 1/2). We got him into speech therapy through the school and he has improved dramatically! The speech report card came today and he went from testing at a 79 (below average) to 125 (superior!) And then in his word articulation testing he went from making 27 mistakes to only make 8 errors (which are developmentally appropriate mistakes for his age!). He is definitely surpassing all their expectations and proving to his previous doctors who classified him as autistic (and said he would need a lot of therapy) that he can do whatever he puts his mind to!"

I have been blogging for an eternity now, as far as the age of a blog goes.  Since April of 2005.  Dylan wasn't even a blip on the radar screen of our lives at that time.  When I found out my daughter-in-law was pregnant with him, I've been writing about him (and also Cooper) from that point onward.  It has been an amazing chronicle to look back on.  It will bring me to tears at times, how quickly it's all gone by.   How much of their lives I've been blessed to have a part in.  It tells of our daily adventures of their early lives in Portland.  It tells of our huge move here to Michigan.  But one thing I've never talked about because of respecting their family's privacy --  a lot of people we know read my blog -- is the fact that Dylan had been diagnosed with Autism.  Very high-functioning Autism, but Autism nonetheless.  There has been denial. There has been anxiety.  There has been a lot of watching and waiting to see how he copes and interacts with the world around him.  It took him what seemed like forever to talk.  And at times we'd even questioned the diagnosis.  Was he?  Wasn't he?  In all honesty I'd say yes, tho it's hard to admit.  We all want our children, our grandchildren, to be perfect as far as mental and physical abilities go.  And when they're not our hearts break for them.  Life is hard enough at times without having those obstacles to overcome as well.

But Dylan is such a great little boy.

He kind of reminds me of the tortoise in "The Tortoise and the Hare".  Whatever roadblock comes along he studies it, sets his mind to it, and methodically goes to work.  And by hard work, determination, and perseverance he knocks each block out of the way until he succeeds.  There is no room in his mind for "I can't do it".  His intelligence goes right up off the top of the scales.

He is so loving.  His sense of humor is as dry as it comes and he can be hysterically funny.  He hums as he works beside me in the flowerbeds.  He loves Nature.  He plays t-ball.  He's a whiz at video games.  He's protective of those he loves.  He's patient, kind, sympathetic, and empathetic.

He's my grandson, and I love him.


Bridget Locke said...

*sniffle* So true. He's my doll baby. They both are. :)

Anonymous said...

awe Kris what an heartwarming story! Way to go Dylan! Our oldest grandson was recently diagnosed with binocular vision for which he is been given eye pushup exercises. This is being done for him through the Univ. of Waterloo school of optromity and his school. It is amazing how these things happen! Turns out his dad has the same problem. He has made great improvement & is continuing the program.
Have a great day! Blessings!

(yesterday was so chilly here in Northern Ont. I had to wear extra layers of clothing in the kitchen! -3 started the day. Ah! Today has improved, even there are snow showers forcasted there is also a promise of 20 degrees c today!)

*Reading Between the Lines* said...

Smile 8~)
Leaving you a note...
so you know I was here & not just "lurking" 8~)
Take care and have a blessed day,

Mom said...

Sweet post. Grandchildren are the best part of growing old.

Edna said...

Awww...thanks for sharing that. Praise his Creator in whose image he is created, and praise Him for the progress in speech developement. Dylan has special people in his life who love him very much, and love is the best therapy! He is blessed to have you, Kris, as his grandma.

Abby said...

That's great! Go Dylan and proud Grandma!

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I have a son with similar beginnings as Dylan. Schools told me he probably wouldn't go past the grade school level. He graduated from college a few years ago and he is an incredible contributor to this world. I'm thinking Dylan will be just the same. (We always read Leo the Late Bloomer to my son.)

Unknown said...

Our daughter was also a "Late Talker". She learned how to work hard and ended up with TWO university degrees after being told it could never happen. These special children are a blessing and inspiration to us all.