Friday, May 15, 2009

A small portion in a day of my life....

I asked myself

as I trudged along, pushing my 20-pound tandem stroller with my 52-pound grandson Dylan and 22-pound Cooper on board...loaded down with a pack of Pull-Up underwear, a pack of size 3 diapers, a big bunch of bananas, a gallon of apple juice, a half-gallon of Cranapple Grape juice, and a big box of Baby Wipe refills...

Am I crazy?!


4evergapeach said...

Maybe, but at least your in shape!

Judy said...

Of course you're crazy. But in a GOOD way.

verabear said...

Loving, caring, grandmother :)

and yes, crazy too :)

Melissa B. said...

No, you're just in love!