Thursday, February 2, 2012

Time is not an enemy.
Time embellishes and enhances.
It teaches patience
and produces wisdom,
nuggets of gold to pass on
to new generations.
It is the ebb and flow
of the body's rhythms.
It enriches,
it diminishes,
on tides so subtle
we are taken by surprise
as we look in the mirror
and see its
delicate etchings
in life maps
trailing down
 the plains of our faces.

Time is a gift.
It is one more sunset to savor,
one more flower's scent
on a hot summer morning.
It is one more snowflake
to taste on the tip
of your tongue.
It is realizing
with each passing day
we are not losing ground.
We are gaining
one step closer to


Anonymous said...

So true and nicely written!

Unknown said...

" step closer to Home..." That made the whole poem for me. Lovely.

Unknown said...

Beautifully put Kris...

LC said...

I thought yesterday's was the best but the Feb. 2 one is also a tremendous experience of sound, rhythm and meaning.

Anonymous said...

Kris you have a wonderful way with words. Blessings!