Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It is sweet to let the mind unbend on occasion. ~ Horace

I harvested lettuce from our garden patch last nite. We had it on our bear burgers for dinner. Why is it food you've planted and grown yourself gives so much satisfaction? Even with 20+ straight days of rain the seeds I planted a month or so ago have managed to break the surface and are showing healthy growth and color. Nature triumphs.

The grandboys and I walked over to the library yesterday morning. Without the double stroller and pushing the single one along in case anyone gets too tired of walking, a walk that once took us maybe an hour and a half round-trip has stretched into one that can lasts upwards of three. Cooper is not a fast walker. He meanders. He loves to go up to trees and feel the different textures of bark. Hardly a dandelion he comes across manages to dodge his keen eyes. Each one is presented to 'Ahma' as if it was gold. (It is.) We all squatted down on the sidewalk to watch a new ant colony breaking thru a crack in the sidewalk, pushing bits of dirt and rock out of the hole. We saw two insects mating and Dylan got a rudimentary explanation of the Facts of Life. My two were also around the age of four when questions about "What are they doing?" began to surface. We have been seeing the chickadees mate, the 'couples' picking up twigs and bits of grass to make their nests. I think one pair might be nesting in the huge clematis on our front porch. I'll have to investigate later...we will find the nest and carefully take it apart so the boys can see the care and artistry involved in the weaving of a baby bird's first home.

There is a Russian meat market along one of our routes. We've passed it countless times in the four years we've been out walking. When the air vents are open whenever the owners are smoking their meats and sausages the aroma, the smoky warmth, blows softly down on us and wraps us in its tendrils. Yesterday Dylan spoke up as we passed under it yet once again, all of us breathing deeply and going "Mmmmmmmmm!", and said, "Grandma, we need to go in there and buy some!" So we did. A small rope of chicken sausage and strips of teriyaki jerky. The smell of the shop was enough to make our mouths water. And my fussy Dylan, who survives on chicken sandwiches, chicken nuggets, and pizza, devoured his sausage in seconds. Go figure. I guess he decided if something smells that delicious it has to taste delicious, too.

As we walked yesterday -- and we did a lot of walking, 3 other short walks after our early morning venture; the sun was shining, don'tcha know -- Dylan said, "Grandma, you need to bring up all those books from the basement and read to us." You could've knocked me over with a feather. When our children were little, we didn't have television by choice. We spent our days listening to music, playing, walking...and reading and reading and reading. We had hundreds of books. And some of the sweetest moments of their childhood were the ones when we three cuddled together on the couch and I'd read to them for hours. I tried with the grandboys. In fact, I'd tried several times. But they were so busy. Flit here, wiggle there, up, down. Never sitting still. I gave up. I boxed up the books I'd bought at thrift stores and put them in the basement. But lately one of their favorite pasttimes is watching "Thomas the Train" DVDs, which are told in storybook fashion. And they are fascinated by them. Enthralled. Glued to their seats. And a few days ago in passing I told Dylan, "You know, these are just like stories in books, Dylan." His deep little mind must've finally put it all together. So this morning, after I post this, I am going down in to the basement before they arrive. I am going to bring that big box upstairs and find a big basket and put those books in it. And I will read. And read. And read. Again. Life is a cycle of circles.


Wander to the Wayside said...

Garrett, the seven year old grandson, is our reader, has been since he was in the womb I think! In fact, his first grade teacher said he is probably the best reader in the class, reading with all the right inflections, etc.,and is already reading chapter books by himself. Conner, the 4 year old, couldn't care less - two seconds into a book and he is done. But I haven't given up yet...I have boxes of books left over from when my daughter was a kid that I keep sitting about. I think one of the most important jobs of a parent (or grandparent) is encouraging a child's EXCITEMENT about reading at a young age!

We're big Thomas fans here. I started Garrett early by giving him about six trains and some tracks for Christmas when he was about two, and then one on every special occasion like birthdays, and, of course, some DVDs. My husband built a 'table' on wheels that we could set the tracks up on instead of buying the special table they offer, and it can just be slipped under the bed when not in use. Even Garrett, at seven, still gets it out on occasion and remembers which train he got when! I always like the lessons that the Thomas books and DVDs had to offer.

Judy said...

Oh, Kris. I want to go for a walk with you and the boys.

Betty W said...

I agree with Judy. Your walks always seem so interesting. I bet you see many things again, that "we big folks" are too busy to see. I wish you take some pictures, just so we can see what your area looks like (you know me, always wants it visual....). :)
I hope you are reading today.

betty said...

I bet the grands get tired after walking and exploring! but it sounds like fun! great that they are ready to be read to too! always enjoyable to share a story with them indeed!


Katie Gates said...

This is a wonderful post. Your grandsons are lucky to have you in their lives.

Unknown said...

I want to spend the day with you, and the boys,it sounds like heaven to me!!