Sunday, March 9, 2008


This is too funny. As I'm sitting here staring at the screen, even tho I haven't written anything for several minutes, my post keeps telling me: "Draft autosaved at--" such-and-such a time whether I type anything or not. Even empty space is worthy of being saved I guess.

Taxes are done finally. Little Cooper is soon to arrive. I can't seem to get enough sleep; the days fly by so fast they're gone before I have time to catch my breath. It feels as if the Earth is ready to burst; everything is on the cusp of blooming into Life. Even my daughter-in-law! I know she's at the stage now where she's almost counting the minutes until the baby is here. She told Dear Hubby the other day as he helped her carry Dylan out to the car, "I just want it over!" I don't think there's a woman who's ever given birth who doesn't know exactly how she feels.

My mind and my concentration are fractured into a thousand pieces. So much to think about. So much to do. A busy few weeks ahead of me, once the baby arrives. And then...a bit of a respite. It's been so long since I've been by myself without much of a break from caring for Dylan I wonder if I'll even know what to do with myself. Or how to carry on an adult conversation again. Or how to sit down without jumping up every few minutes. To sleep in. Nah. No sleeping in. I want to enjoy every minute to myself while I'm off. Dear Hubby has always felt that sleeping in is wasting time and I have to agree. Especially as I get older. And begin to realize I have less and less days to waste.

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